

"To love what you do and feel that it matters - how could anything be more fun?"

I spent a good portion of my college and post-college years trying to answer the ever pressing "what do you want to be when you grow up?" , and it was always a ruthless tug-of-war between the passionate and the practical. But the more I mused over it, the more I realized I wanted - needed - to spend my time doing something I could be passionate about, something I could be head-over-heels in love with. And then I found wedding photography, and head-over-heels I fell.

I love that a wedding is a celebration of life. I love meeting couples and hearing their unique stories. I love capturing such a special day and feel so blessed to experience all the special moments, moments that fill up the entire room with an unbelievable sense of love & joy. These are the moments that make me smile and tear up behind the lens. These are the moments that make me realize how much in love I am with what I do!

Adrienne Gunde is a photographer serving Los Angeles, Orange County and destination locations. Visit instagram to see our latest work! 



© 2022 Adrienne Gunde Photography | Los Angeles Wedding Photographer | LA Wedding Photography